Friday, December 10, 2010

25 Days of Christmas: Day 9

By Kathy Nicholls Platinum Quality Author

Today is day 9 and Christmas Day is ever closer. I find it amazing how fast time passes sometimes. It seems hard to believe Christmas is here already and seems like just yesterday it was spring.

One of the things I love about Christmas is Christmas cards. Although I love all cards, I am fond of the old time Christmas cards. They make wonderful decorations. When I was growing up, all of the cards we received became a part of our holiday decorations. It was fun to read them, to sometimes catch up with people we hadn't heard from in awhile, and I even loved those letters that were sometimes added telling us what the family had been up to throughout the year.
Some of the best cards I've received over the years have been the homemade ones from children. They are creative, it is giving of a part of them, and they have always found a special place on my refrigerator. I believe that' something I got from my mother, who tended to put our pictures on the refrigerator.
I don't think we see as many Christmas cards these days. People send their Christmas letters via e-mail. Sometimes they send their cards that way too. I must admit, I'm a big fan of an electronic greeting card site, where I can drop a card to someone for a special occasion. Does it mean we are losing touch? I don't think so. In the end, it's about taking the time to make a connection, however you make it. And, I can still print those electronic cards and letters and put them out just the same.

Now over to you. Do you have a special memory about a Christmas card you received?

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