You don't have to go to a spa. Here's how to achieve peace of mind (plus health and happiness) from the inside out.
By Hagar Scher
Once upon a time, I had the time and money to go on an eight-day retreat in Costa Rica. One of the most memorable aspects of the trip was a daily walking meditation. My fellow travelers and I would line up and begin inching along. Each step demanded my full attention; I didn't want to nip the heels of the person in front of me. At first, the experience of moving so slowly was deeply uncomfortable. Soon enough, though, I was rewarded for downshifting. Eyes fixed on the ground, I encountered the little wonders a snail takes for granted: the unique contour of each blade of grass, the vivid hues of wildflowers, the fragility of the clods dotting the path.
I was reminded of those walks recently, as I rushed (yet again) to an appointment I feared I would be late for (yet again), feeling that familiar, toxic mix of self-recrimination, frustration, and anxiety.
Perhaps it was the depth of my exhaustion — my son was only 6 months old — but my body rebelled. Right there, in the middle of a busy street, I found myself replicating the ritual of those tropical mornings. My pace slowed, and soon so did my thumping heart, whirling brain, and churning stomach. I took a deep breath and felt my eyes, which had been shrouded by stress, open to the world around me. I took note of the chubby clouds grazing the turquoise sky and felt undeniably happy...and calm. I arrived at my destination five minutes late, but instead of being angry and upset, I uttered a smiling apology and went into the meeting feeling focused and energized.
"Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it," writes Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk and author. We've all had those eureka moments of feeling that everything is right and good in our world. But we need to make a conscious choice to emphasize those feelings in our lives.
"We now believe 80 percent of illness is stress-related, that whatever your genetic weak link, stress will trigger it," notes Richard Brown, M.D., associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University. "Going to a spa is wonderful, but until you teach yourself ways to achieve peace of mind from the inside, you'll remain vulnerable to stress."
Learning to stay balanced is a lifelong endeavor. And yet, making small changes to your daily routine can help you reap big benefitsNext: Change Your Surroundings
Beauty & Comfort
Every day, we're bombarded with threatening, jarring stimuli and messages — Boing! John Doe has sent you an instant message! Beep! You have a new cell phone message! Tonight's headlines: "Beware terrorists!" "Killer spinach!" Each time we take in a worrisome sight, sound, or piece of information, we activate the sympathetic nervous system, triggering the so-called fight-or-flight response. The heart beats faster, muscles tense, blood pressure and blood sugar levels rise, the digestive system and immune system are suppressed, and the body is flooded with the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These reactions are the exact opposite of those connected with the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation — and calm.
"Radio, TV, and newspapers spew out potentially threatening messages, and our deep, primitive biological systems don't know how to differentiate between psychological stress and real, physical danger," notes David Simon, M.D., medical director of the Chopra Center in San Diego. "Whether we're conscious of it or not, we're constantly perceiving the world as a scary place."
One step toward cultivating calm is to dial down the amount of information you consume — a strategy I found indispensable while I was pregnant and especially vulnerable to being thrown off center. "The next step is replacing threatening stimuli with relaxing stimuli," says health psychologist Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Northern Colorado School of Public Health.
To test whether pleasant sensations actually promote calm, Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at Harvard Medical School, sent 27 people fresh-cut flowers to place in their homes, asking them to keep a detailed mood journal before and after the bouquets arrived. After a few days living with the blooms, subjects reported a decrease in negative emotions like anxiety and depression and an increase in positive feelings like compassion for others and energy and enthusiasm at work.
"Things that are beautiful to the senses capture our attention and quiet the mind in an effortless way," says Etcoff. "Changing your environment by bringing in your favorite music or photos of happy events and places and people you love is very calming and reassuring." The world is full of small harbingers of joy and harmony — you just need to seek them out and incorporate them into your daily routine. It can be as simple as taking a walk around a leafy park in the middle of a hectic day or burning a candle of your favorite scent at night.
Another way to foster the relaxation response is to engage in pleasant repetitive activities, says Alice Domar, Ph.D., executive director of the Domar Center for Complementary Healthcare in Waltham, MA. Those that involve easy concentration and lulling repetition, like knitting, swimming, even petting an animal, calm the mind. "During the course of a day, most of the thoughts women think are negative: They worry about the future or feel like failures for not having a spotless kitchen or fitting into size 6 jeans," says Domar. "Finding something you enjoy doing that distracts you from automatic, negative thinking patterns is important. It might be something you enjoyed as a child, when you were able to live in the moment and more easily experience joy."
Next: Take a Breather
Mindful Breathing
Not only can stress make you sick, it can also age you. But quieting the mind can have the opposite effect.New research from the University of California, San Francisco, suggests that stress affects our bodies on the most basic, cellular level. Researchers drew blood from 58 moms, 39 of whom were caring for a chronically ill child, to measure the telomeres — protein complexes that protect DNA — inside their immune cells. Telomeres naturally contract with age; but the telomeres in the immune cells of mothers who reported the most stress were markedly shorter than those of the control group's, making the stressed-out moms nine to 17 years "older."
Thankfully, other research offers hope that we're not doomed to age prematurely. In separate studies, Sara Lazar, Ph.D., a neurobiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Columbia's Dr. Brown have found evidence that basic meditation techniques, such as controlled breathing, not only promote positive emotions but also help us stay youthful and vibrant. For example, when Lazar compared the brain scans of 20 experienced meditators with those of 15 non-meditators, she found that in the first group, two regions of the brain were significantly thicker: the insular cortex and part of the prefrontal cortex.
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