Thursday, December 16, 2010

25 Days of Christmas: Day 15

By Kathy Nicholls

Today is day 15 in our 25 days of Christmas. The time is passing fast and hopefully you are enjoying the holiday season.

Today I'd like us to think about what you do to relax and enjoy the season. Christmas is a hectic time of year, at least it can be. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we simply wear ourselves out.
I've had years that I was totally exhausted by the time the big day came around. When that happens, it's hard to enjoy the time with family and friends.
It's important at the holidays to take some time to relax and just enjoy things around you. For me, that meant a day of going to get my hair cut, getting a pedicure and having my nails done, and spending a couple of hours in the book store. Yesterday I just took the time to "check out" for a bit and do some things for me. It was wonderfully relaxing.
You can also plan those things around family events. How about a movie night with the family? Nothing fancy, just make popcorn or your favorite treats and sit down together to watch a Christmas movie. You can end up creating some wonderful traditions while doing this and also get in that relaxation that you need in this hectic time.
Sometimes an afternoon of relaxing for me can include making a batch of candy. If I plan it as a time to just "do" something I really want to do, then it seems less like work and more like pleasure.
Over the years, I've learned to try to make the holidays less stressful. For me, that also means valuing how I spend my time and doing some things that are fun and relaxing.

How about you? What do you do to relax and enjoy the season?

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